SQL hiba!

(select a.*, g.node gnode, '1' ord from altofe__article a left join altofe__art_grp_key k on (k.art_id=a.id) left join altofe__art_grp g on (g.id=k.art_grp_no) where a.art_grp_no=44 and a.name = (select name from altofe__article where node='s731') and a.visible=1) union (select a.*, g.node gnode, '2' ord from altofe__article a left join altofe__art_grp_key k on (k.art_id=a.id) left join altofe__art_grp g on (g.id=k.art_grp_no) where a.art_grp_no=44 and a.name != (select name from altofe__article where node='s731') and a.pic='s731' and a.visible=1) order by ord, pos desc
Subquery returns more than 1 row